How to Answer Common Interview Questions

How to Answer Common Interview Questions

How to Answer Common Interview Questions


Preparing for potential interview questions is one of the most important parts of getting ready for a job interview. Being ready to discuss your background and skills confidently and concisely can set you apart from other candidates. According to career experts, candidates who prepare for common interview questions have a significant advantage over those who do not.

In this guide, we’ll cover why it’s so essential to prepare to answer common interview questions. According to research from Hiration, practicing responses can help reduce stress and anxiety on the big day, leading to better performance We’ll also provide an overview of some of the most frequently asked questions by interviewers so you know what to expect.

Some of the most common questions asked in interviews include:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Why did you leave your last job?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

By understanding why interviewers ask common questions and spending time preparing quality responses, you can feel empowered to make a great impression.


  1. Introduction
  2. Why Interviewers Ask Common Questions
  3. How to Prepare Your Answers
  4. Sample Answers to 10 Common Questions
  5. Using the STAR Method
  6. Key Takeaways
  7. Conclusion

Questions to answer:

  • What are the most commonly asked interview questions?
  • Why do interviewers ask common questions?
  • How can you prepare to answer common questions confidently?
  • What are some sample answers to the most common questions?
  • How can you use the STAR method to construct strong answers?

Why Interviewers Ask Common Questions

Interviewers typically ask a standard set of common questions for several reasons:

To assess skills and experience – Asking about your background, strengths, and past accomplishments allows interviewers to gauge your qualifications and fit for the role.

To compare candidates consistently – Standard questions provide a consistent structure to evaluate and compare multiple applicants.

To identify any red flags – Questions about your work history, reasons for leaving jobs, weaknesses etc. can reveal any issues or gaps.

To see how you think on your feet – Open-ended behavioral and situational questions demonstrate your thought process and assess your problem solving abilities.

Knowing why interviewers ask common questions can help you prepare targeted and thoughtful responses.

A collage of different interview scenarios, with candidates confidently responding to interviewers' questions, visually representing effective strategies for answering common interview questions.

How to Research Typical Interview Questions

The best way to prepare for common interview questions is to research the types of questions you’re likely to encounter for your specific industry and role. Here are some tips:

Look at sample questions for your industry/role: Review online resources like Glassdoor that provide sample interview questions asked by top companies for different positions. For research roles, common questions may cover your experience with qualitative vs quantitative analysis, how you stay current in your field, or how you might translate findings into practical recommendations.

Talk to contacts who have interviewed for similar roles: Connect with your network and ask what types of questions they fielded. Hearing directly from others who’ve gone through the process can surface common themes.

Review online resources like Glassdoor: Websites like Glassdoor allow you to research interview questions at specific companies. You can look up the types of questions asked for your target role and learn how others approached answering them.

Prepare for both general questions (like your strengths and weaknesses) as well as role-specific questions tailored to the skills needed for the job. Research will help you identify and practice responding to the most likely questions.

How to Prepare Your Answers

To prepare strong and convincing answers to common interview questions, you need to do your homework. Here are some tips:

Reflect carefully on your own experiences, skills, accomplishments, and qualifications as they relate to the role. Identify key stories, anecdotes, and examples that illustrate your capabilities. You will draw from these examples to provide compelling evidence for why you are the right candidate.

Research the company so you understand what they are looking for in an ideal candidate. Evaluate how your background and competencies align with their needs.

Craft responses using the STAR method. STAR helps you structure your answers to clearly explain the situation, task, actions you took, and the positive results you achieved.

Practice delivering your answers out loud. Get comfortable expressing yourself smoothly and confidently. Time yourself to keep answers focused yet comprehensive.

Rehearse responses with a friend who can provide feedback. Or record yourself and review to spot areas of improvement.

Preparation is key. With practice and self-reflection, you will be able to handle whatever questions an interviewer throws your way.

Sample Answers to 10 Common Questions

Some of the most frequently asked interview questions include:

Tell me about yourself

This is often used as an icebreaker question to get to know you. Keep your answer focused on your qualifications for the job. Mention your education and relevant experience. You can also discuss skills and strengths that match the role. Share a couple details about your interests to personalize it.

Sample answer:

“I’m currently working as a marketing manager at ABC Company where I oversee social media campaigns and email marketing. Previously I earned my degree in communications and interned at an advertising agency. Your social media coordinator role really appeals to me since social platforms are integral to engaging audiences these days. I love connecting with and understanding an audience to create content they value. I’m also highly organized and creative – two qualities that I feel would make me excel in this position.”

Sample Answer 2: “I’ve been a sales professional for over a decade, specializing in technology products. I thrive in fast-paced environments and have consistently exceeded my sales targets by building strong client relationships. Outside work, I enjoy marathon running, which I believe reflects my dedication and persistence.”

Sample Answer 3: “As a recent graduate in Environmental Science, I’m eager to apply my academic knowledge in a practical setting. I’ve interned with two NGOs, where I developed strong research and analytical skills. My extracurricular activities like debate and volunteer work have honed my communication and teamwork skills.”

Why do you want to work here?

Do your research beforehand so you understand the company’s mission and values. Explain what excites you most about the role and company. Be specific when discussing how your background and skills would allow you to contribute.

Sample answer 1: “I’m really excited about the opportunity to join DEF Company. After learning about your expansion into eco-friendly products and reading glowing reviews of the company culture, I’m certain this would be the ideal place for me. I would love to help create messaging around your new green initiatives. Environmentally-conscious consumers are an audience I’m passionate about. In my last role, I helped our non-profit increase engagement among eco-friendly donors by 15% through social media campaigns. I believe my skills would allow me to make an immediate impact on your communications efforts in this space.”

Sample Answer 2: “I’ve always been passionate about education and your company’s mission to make quality education accessible aligns perfectly with my values. I’m particularly interested in your digital learning initiatives and would be thrilled to contribute to such impactful work.”

Sample Answer 3: “Your organization’s leadership in sustainable business practices is what initially drew me to this role. As someone deeply committed to environmental conservation, working in a company that prioritizes sustainability would be incredibly fulfilling for me.”

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Discuss 2-3 of your top strengths as they relate to the job duties. For weaknesses, choose non-critical areas that you’re actively working to improve.

Sample answer 1: “My greatest strengths align closely with the qualifications you’re seeking for this event coordinator role. First, I’m highly organized. I’m structured, detailed-oriented and efficient at planning logistics behind the scenes. Second, I excel at building relationships and working collaboratively with cross-functional teams and clients. And third, I have strong analytical abilities that allow me to gather insights and metrics to continually optimize events. In terms of weaknesses, public speaking is an area I’ve been working on. I’m actively looking for opportunities to improve my speaking skills in front of large groups.”

Sample Answer 2: “Public speaking has always been a challenge for me. I’ve been taking steps to improve, like joining a local Toastmasters club, and I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my presentation skills over the past year.”

Sample Answer 3: “Earlier in my career, I found it difficult to delegate tasks, feeling I could do them best myself. Over time, I’ve learned the importance of trust and teamwork in achieving goals, and I’ve developed into a more effective leader who can empower others.”

Describe a challenge you faced at work and how you overcame it.

Sample Answer 1: “In my last role, I was managing a project with a very tight deadline. Midway, a key team member fell ill, which threatened our timeline. I reassessed the project plan, delegated some tasks to other team members, and adjusted our targets without compromising on quality. This experience taught me a lot about adaptability and teamwork.”

Sample Answer 2: “When I joined my last company, I inherited a team with low morale. I focused on understanding individual concerns and implemented regular team-building activities. This not only boosted morale but also increased our productivity by 30%.”

Sample Answer 3: “I once had a project where the client’s requirements kept changing. To manage this, I set up more frequent communication channels and introduced flexible planning that accommodated changes more seamlessly. The project was a success and the client praised our adaptability.”

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Sample Answer 1: “In five years, I see myself in a leadership role within this industry, contributing to innovative projects and initiatives. I also plan to further my education in the field to stay abreast of emerging trends and technologies.”

Sample Answer 2: “I see myself growing into a leadership role, managing larger and more challenging projects. I also aim to expand my professional qualifications with a PMP certification to further enhance my skills in project management.”

Sample Answer 3: “I envision myself as a key contributor in your organization, driving innovation in product development. Additionally, I plan to further my education in advanced product design to bring cutting-edge solutions to the market.”

Why should we hire you?

Sample Answer 1: “With my extensive experience in digital marketing and a proven track record of increasing online engagement, I believe I can bring immediate value to your team. I’m also highly adaptable and always eager to learn new skills, which I believe fits well with your company’s dynamic environment.”

Sample Answer 2: “My unique combination of experience in both customer service and sales positions me ideally for this role. I understand not just how to make a sale, but how to create lasting customer relationships, which I believe aligns perfectly with your company’s goals.”

Sample Answer 3: “I have a strong foundation in software development and a passion for user experience design. This blend of skills allows me to approach problems from both a technical and user-centric perspective, which I believe is essential for the role you’re offering.”

How do you handle stress or pressure?

Sample Answer 1:“I handle stress by staying organized and keeping a clear head. I prioritize tasks and break them down into smaller, manageable steps. When under pressure, I maintain a positive attitude and focus on problem-solving rather than the stress itself.”

Sample Answer 2: “I’ve found that maintaining open communication and being proactive in managing my workload helps me handle stress. I also believe in the power of a positive mindset and approach challenges as opportunities to learn.”

Sample Answer 3: “When under pressure, I stay focused on the end goal and remind myself of past successes. I also take short breaks to clear my head, ensuring I return to my work with a fresh perspective and renewed energy.”

Discuss a time when you demonstrated leadership skills.

Sample Answer 1: “In my previous role, I led a cross-departmental project to revamp our social media strategy. I coordinated meetings, delegated tasks, and ensured everyone was on track. My leadership resulted in a 40% increase in engagement on our platforms within six months.”

Sample Answer 2: “During a system outage, I took the initiative to form a task force. I coordinated with different departments to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. My leadership prevented significant downtime and exemplified crisis management.”

Sample Answer 3: “I voluntarily led a project to improve our office’s eco-friendliness. I organized meetings, delegated tasks, and we successfully implemented a recycling program and energy-saving measures, enhancing our sustainability practices.”

Do you have any questions for us?

Sample Answer 1: “Yes, I’m curious about what the company envisions as the biggest challenges in the coming year and how this role could contribute to tackling them. Additionally, I’d like to know more about the team I’ll potentially be working with.”

Sample Answer 2: “Could you share more about the team I would be working with and how this role contributes to the overall goals of the department?”

Sample Answer 3: “I’m curious about the company’s plans for growth over the next few years and how this role is expected to evolve to support that growth.”

Using the STAR Method

The STAR interview method is a useful technique for preparing compelling responses to behavioral and situational interview questions. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

When using the STAR method, you should describe the background context and situation, explain the specific task or challenge you faced, detail the actions you took, and discuss the positive results and outcome of your efforts. This provides a logical and easy-to-follow format for structuring your answers with real-world examples.

To apply the STAR technique, follow these steps when answering interview questions:

  • Situation – Set the context by describing the background of what you were working on or what was happening.
  • Task – Explain what your specific responsibilities were or what needed to be accomplished.
  • Action – Provide details on the steps you took to address the situation and complete the task or challenge.
  • Result – Share the positive outcome or impact of your actions.

Using the STAR method demonstrates you are capable of problem-solving, owning your work, and driving results. It provides concrete examples versus vague, general claims about your skills and experience.

When practiced, the STAR technique offers an easy-to-remember model for delivering compelling, engaging interview responses that highlight your qualifications.

Tips for Answering Confidently

When answering interview questions, it’s important to come across as confident and prepared. Here are some tips to help you answer questions confidently:

Take time to think: Don’t feel rushed to answer immediately. It’s perfectly acceptable to take a moment to collect your thoughts. Buying yourself some time shows that you want to provide a thoughtful response.

Make eye contact: Maintaining eye contact conveys confidence and keeps the interviewer engaged. Avoid looking down or away while formulating an answer.

Refer back to your qualifications: Work relevant examples, skills, and accomplishments from your background into your responses. This demonstrates you are qualified for the role. As per advice from this article, draw connections between your experiences and the role.

Ask clarifying questions if needed: If you need a question repeated or clarified, don’t be afraid to ask. Interviewers will appreciate you taking the time to fully understand the question rather than guessing.

Using these tips can help you appear confident and give strong responses even when questions are tough. Preparation is key, but you can also rely on poise and professional communication skills during the interview itself.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While it’s normal to feel nervous during an interview, you’ll want to avoid some common pitfalls that could cost you the job opportunity:

Rambling or going off topic – Stay concise when answering questions and don’t overshare irrelevant details. Prepare stories and examples ahead of time to help you provide focused responses. Source

Seeming unprepared – Thoroughly research the role and company so you can speak intelligently. Be ready with examples that illustrate your qualifications and skills. Having thoughtful questions shows preparation.

Bad-mouthing past employers – Never speak negatively about previous jobs or managers. Keep things positive and focus on what you gained from the experience.

Appearing disinterested – Show enthusiasm by maintaining good eye contact and posture. Ask thoughtful questions and emphasize your interest in the company and position. Source

Key Takeaways

Preparation is one of the most vital aspects of confidently answering common interview questions. By researching typical questions for your industry and role, reflecting on your own background, and crafting responses using the STAR method, you can walk into interviews ready to tackle anything that comes your way.

Practicing and mastering the STAR technique for constructing compelling stories from your experience is a key strategy for interview success. Explaining the Situation, Task at hand, Actions you took, and the Results achieved allows you to paint a vivid picture for the interviewer while showcasing your qualifications.

Throughout your responses, keep the focus on highlighting the relevant skills, accomplishments, and expertise from your background that directly pertain to the role and company you are interviewing with. Demonstrate how you are a strong fit for what they are looking for in a candidate.

With preparation and practice, you can gain the confidence needed to answer any common interview question thoughtfully and persuasively. Use these strategies to emphasize your qualifications and land the job.


In summary, being well-prepared with thoughtful answers to common interview questions can help you stand out in the hiring process. By researching typical questions for your role, reflecting on your own experiences, and crafting compelling STAR responses, you’ll be ready to make a great impression.

Now that you know how to confidently tackle interview questions, it’s time to put these strategies into practice. As you prepare for upcoming interviews, write out your sample answers using the guidelines provided. Rehearse delivering them out loud. Consider doing a mock interview with a friend or mentor to sharpen your skills. With practice and preparation, you’ll be ready to ace any interview question that comes your way.

Good luck with your upcoming interviews! Use the advice in this article to show hiring managers why you’re the ideal candidate for the job.

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