How to Fast Track to a 6-Figure IT Career in Canada

How to Fast Track to a 6-Figure IT Career in Canada


The demand for software engineers and tech professionals is rapidly growing across Canada. According to career site Indeed, the average salary for a software engineer in Canada is around $91,479 per year. However, experienced engineers at top companies can make well over $100k or even $200k.

With such high salaries on offer, making the switch to a career in software development or engineering can dramatically increase your earning potential. Whether you want to work at a tech company or in any industry that relies on software, there is a huge need to fill these lucrative roles. With some strategic education and training, professionals from other backgrounds can successfully transition into these in-demand tech careers.

And to kick-start your journey, here are a wide range of IT short courses designed to equip you with the latest skills and knowledge demanded by the industry. From programming languages to cybersecurity and cloud computing, O’Reilly’s expert-led courses provide the perfect foundation for your transition into the world of technology. Don’t miss this opportunity to take the first step toward a rewarding and prosperous career in IT.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Highest Paying Tech Jobs in Canada
  3. Required Skills
  4. O’Reilly Courses to Switch Careers
  5. Expected Salaries
  6. Next Steps

Questions to answer

  • What are the highest paying tech jobs in Canada?
  • What skills are required for these jobs?
  • How can O’Reilly courses help you gain these skills?
  • What courses should you take to prepare for specific roles?
  • How much can you expect to earn in these roles?

Highest Paying Tech Jobs in Canada

According to Indeed, some of the most lucrative roles in tech include:

Salaries for these roles often exceed $100k in major tech hubs like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Ottawa.

Required Skills

To land a high paying tech job in Canada, there are some key in-demand technical skills you’ll need. The most sought-after programming languages include:

  • Python – A versatile language used for data science, machine learning, web development, and more. Highly valued for its simplicity and huge ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Click here for a Python Short course.
  • Java – A popular object-oriented language used widely in enterprise software and Android development. Java skills are in continuous demand in the industry. Java in a Nutshell short course.
  • JavaScript – The programming language of the web. Used for front-end, back-end, full stack development, and more. JavaScript skills open many doors in web and app development roles.

For data science and machine learning roles, math and statistics skills are crucial:

  • Linear algebra, calculus, probability – these advanced math disciplines provide the foundation for machine learning algorithms and statistical modeling.
  • Statistical analysis skills like R or Python-based data analysis are also very useful.

In cloud and DevOps positions, you’ll need to master:

  • Major cloud platforms like AWS and Azure. Certifications in these are highly valued by employers.
  • Linux administration and scripting abilities.
  • Containerization with Docker and orchestration with Kubernetes. These are essential DevOps skills.

Mastering these in-demand programming languages, frameworks, and other technical skills will qualify you for the most lucrative tech jobs in Canada according to Indeed and GUS Canada.

AWS Entry Level Courses to Master

  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner:
    • This entry-level certification is designed for individuals with little to no AWS experience.
    • It provides a foundational understanding of AWS services, their use cases, and basic cloud concepts.
    • It’s an excellent choice for beginners to familiarize themselves with AWS.
  2. AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate:
    • While not strictly for beginners, this certification is often pursued by those with some AWS experience.
    • It focuses on designing distributed systems and selecting appropriate AWS services. It’s valuable for cloud architecture roles.
  3. AWS Certified Developer – Associate:
    • This certification is ideal for individuals interested in developing applications on AWS.
    • It covers deploying and debugging applications, using AWS SDKs, and integrating AWS services into applications. It’s relevant for software development roles.
  4. AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate:
    • Geared toward system operations, this certification covers tasks related to deploying, managing, and monitoring applications on AWS.
    • It’s suitable for roles involving system administration and operations on AWS.
  5. AWS Certified Data Analytics – Specialty:
    • This certification focuses on data analytics and is relevant for roles involving data analysis, data engineering, and data science on AWS.
  6. AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty:
    • Geared toward individuals interested in machine learning, this certification covers AWS machine learning services and their use cases.
  7. AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty:
    • Designed for those who want to build voice-enabled experiences for Alexa, this certification is relevant if you’re interested in voice technology and development.

O’Reilly Courses for High-Demand Tech Skills

O’Reilly offers comprehensive online learning programs and courses to help you gain the exact skills required for high paying tech jobs in Canada. This includes specialized Learning Paths for in-demand areas like Data Science, Machine Learning, and Cloud Engineering.

You can take courses to learn specific skills like Python programming, AWS cloud services, and DevOps tools. O’Reilly has over 40,000 hours of technical video training and 4,000 books to choose from. There are even opportunities to earn industry-recognized certifications in areas like AWS, Python, and DevOps to validate your skills.

A key benefit of O’Reilly training is the ability to develop real projects for your portfolio. You’ll get hands-on practice building apps, working with data, and deploying cloud infrastructure. This portfolio will be invaluable when applying for new tech positions.

See: O’Reilly Online Learning and Training

Expected Salaries

Salaries for software engineering roles in Canada can vary significantly based on your experience level, but generally fall within the following ranges:

For entry-level software engineers just starting their careers, average salaries range from $80,000 – $90,000 per year. According to Glassdoor, the average entry level software engineer salary is $94,986 per year in Canada. Entry level salaries typically start around $75,000 for those with 0-2 years of experience.

At the mid-level with 3-5 years of experience, software engineers earn average salaries between $100,000 – $130,000. The national average is $108,000 for mid-level engineers with this level of experience according to salary data.

For senior-level roles requiring 5+ years of experience, salaries exceed $130,000 and can reach up to $160,000 or higher, with senior engineers earning $138,000 on average across the country.

Looking to advance your career in software engineering? Look no further than O’Reilly IT short courses. Our expert-led programs are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the tech industry. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, we have the resources to help you succeed. Take the next step towards achieving a six-figure salary in the thriving Canadian tech market. Enroll now and pave your way to a successful career in software engineering!

Assess Interest First

Before committing to a full program, it’s smart to take a few free courses on O’Reilly first to assess your interest and ability in certain areas like software engineering or data science.

O’Reilly offers a broad catalog of free online courses you can start exploring today in topics like Python, machine learning, cloud computing and more.

Taking some introductory level courses for free can help you determine if you have an aptitude for certain technical skills required in lucrative tech roles.

It’s also wise to thoroughly research and understand the requirements and day-to-day responsibilities of the specific tech jobs you may want to pursue. This will allow you to focus your learning on the most important skills needed to transition into your desired role.

Resources like O’Reilly video tutorials on tech career paths can provide great guidance on the qualifications and skills needed for top jobs.

By trying free courses and researching role requirements upfront, you can set yourself up for success by only pursuing training for careers that are a strong fit for your abilities and interests.

Enroll in a Comprehensive O’Reilly Program

To fully prepare for a new career in tech, it’s important to enroll in a structured learning program that teaches all the required skills. O’Reilly offers two great options:

Learning Paths provide comprehensive prep covering all aspects of in-demand roles like data scientist, machine learning engineer, and cloud architect. These guided programs combine video courses, hands-on labs, and concrete projects. You’ll get a deep foundation in key programming languages like Python and cloud platforms like AWS. O’Reilly Learning Paths are the most thorough way to gain new tech skills.

Alternatively, you can enroll in individual courses and tutorials focused on specific skills you need to strengthen. Choose from thousands of high-quality courses on topics like Git, Kubernetes, React, and more. Take assessments to earn certifications that validate your skills. Target any knowledge gaps through focused learning.

No matter which option you choose, O’Reilly’s online learning content is designed by industry experts to teach you the exact skills required for today’s top tech jobs. The interactive platform enables you to learn at your own pace until you have the knowledge to pass interviews and excel in a new role.

Build Portfolio

To successfully transition into a software engineering role, it’s crucial to build a strong portfolio of projects to showcase your skills to potential employers. Your portfolio should include 3-5 complete projects built from scratch utilizing languages and technologies you want to work with professionally.

Make sure to include brief descriptions for each project covering what it does, the technologies used, and any key learnings or challenges you overcame. In addition, link to the live site and the GitHub repo so employers can review your code.

Some key types of projects to include are:

  • A full-stack web application combining front-end, back-end, database and hosting components
  • A mobile app showcasing your ability to develop for iOS, Android or cross-platform
  • An analysis project using Python, R or other languages to demonstrate data science skills
  • Anything deploying ML models, AI systems or other complex algorithms

Having 3-5 solid projects tailor-made for the types of roles you’re applying for gives employers tangible examples of your development abilities. It takes your resume from theoretical to practical. By open-sourcing your code as well, they can thoroughly evaluate your technical skills, coding style and project approach.

Apply for Jobs

With your new technical skills, portfolio of projects, and certifications from the O’Reilly learning program, you’ll be ready to start applying for software engineering roles.

Leverage your network and sites like LinkedIn to connect with companies that are hiring. Look for open positions and reach out to recruiters directly. With demand growing rapidly, there are ample opportunities once you have the right skills.

Make sure to customize your resume and cover letter for each application. Highlight projects from your portfolio that align with the role. With your comprehensive preparation, you’ll stand out compared to other applicants.

Be patient and persistent in your search. It may take applying to dozens of positions before landing the right opportunity. But once you secure that first software engineering role, you’ll be on your way to a lucrative new career in tech!

How to write a standout Resume without experience

Land New Career!

After dedicating the time and effort into an O’Reilly learning program and building an impressive portfolio, you’ll be ready to transition into a lucrative new tech career. With the in-demand skills you’ve developed through the courses, you’ll be qualified for roles like Software Engineer, Data Scientist, Cloud Architect, and more.

These positions offer significant earning potential, with average salaries ranging from $80,000 to $150,000 or more depending on experience level. This represents a dramatic increase from many non-tech roles. The investment you make in yourself will pay off with tech companies willing to offer top dollar for your newly acquired skills.

Make sure to polish up your resume and LinkedIn profile to highlight your completed courses, projects, and certifications. Then start applying to open roles you find interesting. With perseverance and patience, you can land interviews and secure a well-deserved position that takes advantage of all your hard work.

The technology job market moves fast, so strike while the iron is hot. Follow your passion and soon you’ll join the many professionals who have successfully changed careers into this exciting and lucrative field. The financial freedom and intrinsic rewards will make the effort well worth it.

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