These 7 Small Mistakes in Your Resume Will Ruin your Chances of Getting a Job

These 7 Small Mistakes in Your Resume Will Ruin your Chances of Getting a Job


Your resume is one of the most critical parts of your job search. It’s often the first impression a hiring manager will have of you. In a competitive job market, a single resume can receive only seconds of attention before a hiring manager decides if you get an interview or not. This makes perfecting your resume more important than ever.

Small mistakes on a resume can completely ruin your chances of moving forward in the hiring process. Though they may seem insignificant, errors reflect poorly on your abilities, attention to detail, and professionalism. With so much riding on a flawless resume, even tiny typos or formatting issues can mean the difference between getting the job or having your resume tossed.

This article will cover the most common small resume mistakes that get candidates rejected, and how you can avoid them to maximize your chances of landing an interview.

Why Small Mistakes Matter

Hiring managers are overloaded with resumes to review and often spend less than 30 seconds initially looking at one before deciding whether to read further or discard it (Source). With so little time spent on each resume, even small errors can make you appear careless or unprofessional, reflecting poorly on your abilities and attention to detail.

Research shows that on average, hiring managers and recruiters spend only 6-8 seconds reviewing an initial resume before deciding to further review or reject it (Source). In that brief time, minor mistakes or formatting issues can lead to your resume being discarded when you might otherwise be qualified.

When presented with hundreds of resumes for a single opening, hiring managers have little patience for preventable errors. Typos and inaccurate information give the impression you lack skills or do not pay attention to details. In today’s competitive job market, such mistakes can mean missed opportunities.

Typos and Grammatical Errors

Typos and grammatical errors can immediately disqualify you as a candidate. According to a 2023 study (Bloomberg), resumes with just one typo reduce your chances of getting an interview by 19%.

These small mistakes make you appear careless and suggest you lack attention to detail. Employers expect you to thoroughly proofread something as important as your resume. The presence of typos indicates you may be prone to making similar errors in your actual work.

With so many qualified applicants, hiring managers will discard resumes with errors and focus on candidates who demonstrate excellence. Don’t let easily avoidable typos sabotage your job search.

Inaccurate Dates

One of the most common and easily avoidable resume mistakes are inaccurate or misleading dates of previous employment. Even minor discrepancies between the dates listed on your resume versus a background check can signal a red flag for recruiters. They will question whether you are being truthful across all other areas of your background.

Lying about or greatly exaggerating the length of your employment history to cover gaps is an obvious resume mistake to avoid at all costs. According to one post on Quora, minor 1-2 month discrepancies may be forgiven, but lying about the overall timeline will immediately destroy your credibility and chances of getting hired.

Hiring managers will quickly lose all trust in your abilities if they detect resume dates that don’t line up with background checks. It’s critical to carefully verify that all employment dates, titles, and details you list are completely accurate. Leaving off months or listing approximate years may be fine, but never fabricate or misrepresent the overall timeline. Complete honesty is essential, as it only takes one lie to get your resume tossed.

Take the time to confirm exact company start and end dates. While hiring managers may understand honest mistakes, intentionally lying about dates tells them you lack integrity. Protect your reputation and verify all resume dates before submitting applications.

Poor Formatting

One of the most common resume mistakes is poor formatting that makes the resume difficult to read or key information hard to find. According to an article on resume formatting tips from Forbes, “Recruiters spend an average of seven seconds reviewing your resume before deciding if you’re a good fit. This makes formatting critically important.”

With hundreds of resumes to review, recruiters will quickly discard any that are hard to skim or poorly formatted. Be sure to use consistent formatting with clear sections and headings. Stick to common fonts like Arial or Times New Roman in 10-12 point size. Include enough white space and avoid dense blocks of text. Use bullet points and be concise. According to Georgetown University’s career center, you should “keep font size to 10, 11, or 12 point and set margins to no less than 0.5 inch all around” for ideal resume formatting.

Take the time to format your resume properly. It should be easy to skim and find key information at a glance. Consistent formatting that follows common best practices will make your resume stand out.

Unprofessional Email

Your email address creates a first impression even before the employer opens your resume. An unprofessional email can immediately disqualify you as it reflects poorly on your judgement.

Examples of unprofessional emails include funny email handles, inappropriate references, using your current work email, overly casual nicknames, or emails too long and confusing.

To create a good first impression, get a simple professional email address using your name. For example, Keep it clean from numbers, nicknames, and other distractions.

Using your personal email shows you lack professional judgement and could raise concerns about confidentiality. Set up a professional email through providers like Gmail and use it exclusively for resumes and job applications.

Taking the time to create a proper professional email address shows recruiters you understand how to present yourself and care about the details that make a strong first impression.

Lack of Achievements

One of the most common resume mistakes is not including concrete examples of your accomplishments. According to Jobscan, 67% of resumes are missing quantifiable achievements. Without proof of your accomplishments, recruiters won’t see your true potential and unique value.

The best way to showcase achievements is to quantify them with numbers, data, and statistics whenever possible. For example, you could say “Increased sales by 30% over 6 months” versus just “Increased sales.” Measurable details help hiring managers understand the scope and impact of what you achieved.

Some key opportunities to highlight accomplishments include:

  • Key projects completed
  • Tasks automated or processes improved
  • Revenue generated or costs reduced
  • Sales quotas exceeded
  • Awards won

Even simple responsibilities can sound more impressive with quantifiable details added. Just be sure all accomplishments are truthful. Exaggerating will only hurt you in the long run.

By taking the time to mine your experience for hard evidence of achievements, you’ll provide proof to employers that you delivered meaningful results in past roles.

How to Avoid Mistakes

Carefully proofreading your resume before submitting it is the best way to avoid mistakes. Go through it slowly, line-by-line, reading each word and double checking all dates, titles, and details for accuracy (1). It can be hard to catch your own errors, so have trusted colleagues, friends, or mentors review the document as well (2). They may notice issues you overlooked. Finally, take advantage of online proofreading tools like Grammarly or to scan for typos, grammar issues, and formatting problems (3). Investing time perfecting your resume can help minimize mistakes that could impact your chances of landing an interview.


What to Do If You Find a Mistake

If you realize your resume contains errors, there are still steps you can take to recover:

For minor typos or formatting issues, simply submit a revised version of your resume to the employer. Draw attention to the updated resume in your cover letter or email.

If you notice a major inaccuracy like incorrect dates of employment, be prepared to briefly explain the discrepancy if asked about it in an interview. Avoid making excuses or blaming others. Acknowledge the mistake sincerely and focus the discussion on your qualifications for the role. According to career coach Holl at Indeed, owning your mistake shows maturity and accountability.

If you’ve exaggerated or fabricated information that’s discovered, come clean right away and apologize. Explain that you’ve learned your lesson and will not repeat this mistake. According to an article on TopResume, being truthful is still your best path to recovering after a major error.

Ultimately, put the mistake behind you and focus on what you can control moving forward – like nailing the rest of the interview process. Dwelling on past resume errors will not help your candidacy.


To recap, small mistakes on your resume can be very costly in today’s competitive job market. Hiring managers often spend less than 30 seconds reviewing a resume initially, so errors can make you appear careless and prevent your application from progressing.

The most common small mistakes include typos, inaccurate dates, poor formatting, unprofessional email addresses, fabricated information, and lack of quantified achievements. However, these are easy to avoid if you invest time perfecting your resume.

Proofreading carefully, verifying details, using a professional email, and quantifying accomplishments can help your resume stand out. If you do find a mistake, quickly submit a revised version or explain at interviews.

Avoiding even tiny resume mistakes is critical to get noticed by recruiters and land more job interviews. Resume perfection requires time and effort but pays off in the end with more callbacks. Avoid these common errors so qualifications and skills shine through.

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